Guildford residents can get involved in this study if they meet the following conditions.
- You have a valid driving licence and use of a vehicle or motorbike;
- You use an Android smart phone (The application we are using to obtain details about trips/activities can only support Android based phones, we regret that no iPhone users can join in and there isn’t a hard copy(paper) alternative.)
We are looking for enthusiastic participants who can take part in the study for three weeks, starting on 19 March 2018. Do you have time and would you like to join in? Please get in touch!
Participation is simple and involves filling in a few questionnaires and registering your trips and activity via the free ‘Sparrows’ app. In this way we can map your travel behaviour and exposure to air pollution. More detailed information can be found at the following link:…/2…/03/GuildfordAirQuality.pdf.
If you are interested in taking part by sending an e-mail to
Your data will be treated confidentially and securely stored, protected and processed by iSCAPE. It will only be used for this scientific study. No personal details will be published and no individuals will be identified during or after the study.
If you have any questions about this study. Please do not hesitate to contact us.
Background info
Air pollution contributes to 9,500 early deaths in London and its surrounding regions. It worsens existing lung conditions and increases the risk of getting lung cancer. Emissions from transport activities is one of the major reason for poor air quality. The Global Centre for Clean Air Research, University of Surrey and Transportation Research Institute, Hasselt University, supported by Guildford Borough Council, are conducting a behaviouralintervention study involving Guildford residents. The overall aim of the study is to investigate how much customized information can influence individuals to take more pro-environmental decisions in relation to their transport, travel and commuting behavior. The study is carried out under a European research project iSCAPE. More details on the project can be found at