Policy Briefs
The Smart Control of Air Pollution – Policy Briefs series summarises key outcomes of the iSCAPE project with a clear policy orientation, to provide practical information to EU local decision-makers and other urban stakeholders. They cover the following topics:
No. 1: Living Labs for air pollution control and prevention
No. 2: iSCAPE manifesto for citizen engagement in science and policy
No. 3: Effectiveness of travel behavioural change interventions
No. 4: Simulating change in urban air quality and climate conditions
No. 5: Urban strategies and interventions for planning healthier cities
No. 6: Improving air quality and climate with green infrastructure
No. 7: Air quality sensing and real time reporting in cities
No. 8: Introducing infrastructural passive control systems in cities
No. 9: Citizen Science: a collaborative approach to air pollution control