Interested in designing solutions for air pollution for Dublin? Next Wednesday afternoon, March 14th from 14.00-18.00 join a ‘HACK THE AIR: SPARKS HACKATHON’ event! a highly interactive, hands-on event at the Science Gallery Dublin where you will have the opportunity to design innovative solutions to air pollution in cities alongside researchers from the area and Science Gallery Dublin staff.
We are looking for young people (aged between 15-25) with a passion for bringing ideas to reality. If you bring creativity and a curiosity to solve big problems with simple solutions, we’ll provide the materials, the space and the fun to bring it all together!
Working in small teams, you will use a process of design thinking to generate new ideas aimed at reducing pedestrian exposure to air pollution. Using a variety of weird and wonderful materials to create prototypes, you’ll have the opportunity to see your ideas brought to life. Our friendly, knowledgeable facilitators and researchers from both University College Dublin and Trinity College Dublin will be there to guide you throughout the day.
To register, please contact
Please note that there is a limited number of places available (25 max) and they will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Registration is free, more info at
HACK THE AIR is part of the iSCAPE project and is delivered in collaboration with the Science Gallery and SPARKS. SPARKS, a travelling exhibition that has already been shown in 33 European countries, aims to stimulate conversations between citizens, scientists, policy makers and education professionals in order to encourage a shared responsibility for science in a way that makes it relevant to the needs of society.