Not long to go till the closing event of the iSCAPE project that will be held in Dublin on 8 November 2019. On the agenda a panel discussion on​ ​​Future of Air Pollution Control – The Role of Technology and People, moderated by ​Jamie Cudden, Smart City Lead, Dublin City Council, the panel will be formed by:

  • Francesco Pilla,​ iSCAPE Coordinator, Associate Professor, University College Dublin (Ireland)
  • Guillem Camprodon​, Fab Lab Barcelona, ​Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (iSCAPE Partner) (Spain)
  • Carolyn Hassan, ​Director, Knowle West Media Centre – Bristol Living Lab, Bristol (UK)
  • Enda Hayes​, Clair City Project Technical Director, Associate Professor, ​University of the West of England, Bristol, UK

More about the guest panellists:

Jamie Cudden

Jamie Cudden leads Dublin City Council’s Smart City programme and rollout of the ‘Smart Dublin’ initiative. His work cuts across the public and private sector building new opportunities to deploy smart city solutions and demonstrators. He represents Dublin on leading global industry and smart city alliances including TM Forum, Wireless Broadband Alliance, Harvard TECH Innovators Forum, and is the current President of the City Protocol Society. Jamie holds a science degree from Trinity College Dublin and a Masters in Geographic Information Science (GIS) from University College London. He previously worked in analyst and mapping roles with the Home Office, Met Police and Jill Dando Institute of Crime Science. He is the current Chairman with ECO-UNESCO, a leading Irish environmental education charity that works with young people across Ireland.

Carolyn Hassan

Carolyn Hassan is the founder and Director of Knowle West Media Centre (KWMC) and Bristol Living Lab. KWMC is an arts and media organisation that delivers programmes ranging from citizen-led housing, citizen sensing, to young peoples’ arts and technology programmes. KWMC works closely with academic institutions including the University of Bristol and collaborated with Helen Manchester, Reader in Digital Inequalities and Urban Futures as part of the Horizon 2020 Lighthouse project Replicate She is currently an International Ambassador for Bristol.

Enda Hayes

Professor Enda Hayes is the Director of the Air Quality Management Resource Centre at the University of the West of England, Bristol, UK. He has worked on air pollution and broader environmental management challenges for the last 20 years supporting local authorities, UK Government, EU Member States, EEA and EU Commission in addition to projects in Asia and Africa. His diverse research interests include the interrelationship between air pollution, health, socio-economic status and citizen behaviour (with a focus on transport and solid fuel use); ammonia emission from intensive agriculture; and emerging pollutants such as bioaerosols and microplastics. Enda is the Technical Director of the ClairCity Project (

More details about the event and how to register:


Date: 8 November 2019

Time: 08:30 – 17:30 followed by the reception


Venue: The Marrion Room, The Royal Dublin Society

Address: Merrion Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland

How to get there? You can find directions here.


A draft of the agenda can be found here: iSCAPE FINAL EVENT Agenda (pdf, 130 KB) (UPDATED 24 October)


The event is targeted towards professionals from both the public and private sector, policy-makers, and researchers.


All participants are kindly asked to register online through this link by November 4, 2019. Due to the limited availability of seats, early registration is strongly recommended to ensure your participation. Participation in the event is free of charge. Please read our event attendee privacy notice carefully as it describes how we use and process your personal data provided to us through the online registration form in relation to your attendance to this event.


General queries about the project:

Local assistance:

Louise Dunne

Research Manager

UCD School of Architecture, Planning, and Environmental Policy


Phone: +353 1 716 2673