Did you know? we have a whole section of our website dedicated to the results of the iSCAPE project. It lists and allows you to access all scientific reports and journal publications developed through the project. They can be found here: https://www.iscapeproject.eu/scientific-reports/
Key project results and findings for the improvement of air pollution control will also be presented at our final project event that will be held in Dublin on 8 November 2019; During this one-day event, we will discuss how passive control systems and behavioural change can affect urban air quality, as well as the challenges and opportunities of using low-cost sensors to advance the conventional approaches to air pollution monitoring. The event will also highlight the importance of bringing together diverse stakeholders to enhance the collaboration towards the common goal of improving air quality. Our panel of experts (confirmed speakers are listed at the end of the page) will share their insights and perspectives on the future of air pollution control and the practical applicability of the project’s scientific findings. The event will also be a great opportunity to share, learn, and network with us and other experts from the air pollution community during the event’s interactive sessions and closing reception. To find out more and register see: https://www.iscapeproject.eu/iscape-project-final-event-dublin-8-november-2019/