Interested in learning more about the experience of citizen science initiatives in the field of air quality monitoring? Join our Partner event at the EU Green week on the 25th of May.


The projects iSCAPE and Ground Truth 2.0 funded by the EU Research and Innovation programme Horizon 2020 in cooperation with the Executive Agency for SMEs (EASME) are organising a Green week partner event in Brussels on “Involving citizens in air quality monitoring through Citizen Science initiatives“.

The event will be an opportunity to learn more about citizen science, citizen’s engagement and environmental monitoring using sensor devices.

When: 25 May 2018
Time: 9 am to 2 pm CET – the agenda of the day can be found here: Partner_event_CS_AQ_Green week_agenda final (pdf, 200KB updated 24/5)
Covent Garden, Place Charles Rogier 16, 1210 Brussels, Belgium

Online registration (Registrations close 24 May 11am)

For more information

For more information or to express your interest to participate, please contact: 

Background info

Citizen science activities can be a means to raise awareness and help citizens to learn more about their exposure to environmental stressors such as air pollutants, take informed decisions which may also facilitate behavioural change. Citizen science activities can also be a tool to mobilise communities, participate in discussions on environmental issues and develop and implement ideas for a greener urban future. In particular air pollution is a topic of increasing concern of citizens and communities in many European cities. Low-cost sensor technologies which are easy to use can help to provide real-time data and new opportunities to engage citizens in active environmental monitoring.

This also raises questions on the reliability of the data and their appropriateness and value for public use. We encourage Citizen Science projects and initiatives to share their experience and the interested public to learn more about citizen science initiatives and the use and performance of low-cost sensors for monitoring air pollution and personal exposure assessments.